Saturday, September 10, 2016

I am Home....!!

I am Home
And you run to me
I am Home
And you jump on me
I am Home
And you kiss me all over
I am Home
In Your Love and care
I am Home
And you don't complain
I am Home
...Your swinging tail...

I am Leaving Home
And you guess it Right
Now all you would do..
is to wait for my sight

You are not running
You are not jumping    
You are not kissing                                                        

You are sitting quiet                                                      
on the floor
Silently walking
to the door…

Your routine
From Day to Night
waiting for me

with no plight
I will be back at Home…. 

~ Archana 10-09-2016 

Photo-Credits => Rana Atheya

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