Wednesday, October 26, 2016

....Like the Desert misses the Rain...!!

On a lonely road step by step
you were all set to speedup
the Train of your Dreams
Twinkles in eyes
Elation in thighs
and lungs were filled
with Hurricane
Every-time you reached there
just to confirm,
this was not the place
Where you did belong......
No, you never knew about the traps
No, you never knew the faulty gaps
Your moves were for water
but you ended up
as a Thirsty Wanderer
You knew now....
Mirage never quenches the thirst
just increases the intensity.
You collect your thirsty self
and walk again
like the Desert misses the Rain

~ Archana

Saturday, October 22, 2016

When stories don't end... !

When stories
don't end
neither do break
As if old leafs
refuse to shed
and new leafs
continue the chain....
of quivering thoughts....
A war of existence remain
to sustain the yearning
of burning hearts 

~ Archana

Picture Credits : Google Images

Monday, October 10, 2016

तेरा फितूर... !!!

तू आज भी अज़ीज़ है,
यूँ तो उम्र गुज़र गयी..
मेरी तिश्नगी की रहगुज़र
तेरे हाशिये में सिमट गयी

मेरे वजूद में तेरा फितूर है
मेरे अदब को तेरा गुरूर है
मेरी ख़ामख़ा की बंदिशें
तेरी सरहदों में मिट गयीं !


Saturday, October 8, 2016

Away not Apart !!

Minutes and for Hours
Most of the time
You are Away
yet not Far
Your impression
All over... ....
Your marks remain
on my Heart...

Weeks and for Months
You are away
but not Apart
Your rhythm
All over
Your beats remain
in my Heart !!!

~ Archana

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Dil hai Chota sa - Choti si Aasha....

 It was a cozy winter evening in Mount-Abu February 2011. I was heading towards the Sun-Set point to inhale the essence of the Mountains wrapped in chilled breeze and warm Sun-Shine. Oxymoron attracts me.
On the way I found this small girl lost in weaving colourful dreams in her curious eyes. When eyes speak we actually don't need words.
I stood still and kept watching her silently until she herself got distracted and smiled looking at me.

I warmly approached her and whispered in her ears "Dil hai Chota sa, Choti si Aasha - Aasmaano ko choone ki Aasha...Hai na?" (Small Heart with small Hopes...Hopes to touch the skies... isn't it?) and listening this she burst into the exuberant laughter followed by a non-stop smile.
Her giggles still echo in me and leave me smiling flawlessly.

~ Archana

Sunday, September 25, 2016


अँधेरा टिमटिमाने लगता है
स्मृतियों की लॉ में
और फूँक देता है जान
शमशान हो चुके वर्चस्व में
आओ भोर को अवकाश दे दें
चिताएँ आनंदित हैं
मृत्योपरांत जन्मदिवस पर 

~ अर्चना 

Photo Credit : Google Image 

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Love Liberates

It was not just another evening. Wind was romancing with the shades of Sun-Shine that was eager to illuminate another world covering this side with deep black under the twinkling stars and fireflies. Such evenings are not usual ones when just before the onset of shadows of dark, the sky becomes crimson and she becomes pink with sparkling eyes.
"Where are you lost?", his calm voice distracted her.
"Painting a Dream ......" she smiled.
"With no Canvas, no Brush, no Colours, ....?", he wondered.
"Yes. I am the Canvas, the Brush and Colours too", she whispered ignoring the bewildering expressions growing in his questioning eyes.
She was flying with a new Dream in her eyes. He was standing alone with no movement in thighs recalling his words "Love Liberates, it never ties". 

~ Archana

Flickering Thoughts

With closed eyes
when you travel within
Thoughts flicker
and you give in
to the eternal journey
where soul keeps wandering
in fragments and pieces
All you do is
keep watching in Unison
from the distance .... ! 

~ Archana

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Arrival of a Dream : Happy Birthday !!

Standing alone
Looking beyond the Horizon
Where... ....
The Earth and the Sky meet
yet remain apart
with longing heart... ...
In the deep darkest night
just before the dawn
You remain lost
midst of the Kaarvan
of subtle thoughts
Unaware that soon.....
First ray of the Rising Sun
would kiss you to confirm
Arrival of the tiny-infant Dream
Quiet, Calm and Serene..... !!!
Happy Birthday ! 

~ Archana 

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

I am against Cruelty to Animals !!

I am sorry but I sincerely refuse to receive or give wishes on the Festival of brutal sacrifice of innocent Animals. They say they raise a Goat/Camel/Ox/ etc. so that they develop Love for it and then they sacrifice their Loved one in the name of the "Most Merciful Allah". But I wonder why not at least try sacrificing their own beloved Son or Daughter like Prophet Abraham did? Why to buy a Goat for nurturing pseudo love? I always remained confused that "Why anybody would ever like to sacrifice one's loved one to eat and to distribute among friends?" and Why the most merciful God the Allah would ever ask to sacrifice of his own creations? How come Merciful Allah can be associated with "Bloody Sacrifice" of "Innocent and Speechless" animals?
Process of Halaal described as painless comfortable death to Animals as Hallal according to the Holy Book cuts the nerve first that gives signals of pain to the brain. How conveniently we Human-beings assume on behalf of innocent dumb animals ignoring their teary eyes, fearful expressions and scary screams just before their brutal sacrifice following orthodox centuries old foolish practices to satiate our dumb conditioning.
Same cult would be on Roads holding Banners of cruelty against Humanity if Criminals following Islam in India would be given Death sentence for their convicted crime by inflicting Halaal. Then same Halaal which is considered painless for animals would be considered Brutal Indian Law for a particular community. Their would be Slogans of Intolerant and Biased India. Their would be signature campaigns against it. High time we must accept that we are biased and selective for showing sensitivity either its Human beings or innocent animals.
We must strongly consider that all the Religions are subjected to reforms not only Hinduism. Centuries old written texts must not stop us from questioning irrational and insensitive practices. We deserve a young generation that nurtures evolutionary thoughts, questioning mind and progressive brains.
Sacrifice Cruelty but definitely not the Innocent Animals!
~ Archana
#ArchanaWrites #ReflectionsOfSoul #StopCrueltyToAnimals#ReformReligions #BeSensitive #BeHuman #IamAgainstCrueltyToAnimals

Monday, September 12, 2016

Set Him Free !!

Set him free
Even if he never comes back
You would never regret

Remain bottled-up
Even if you talk & express
He would never confess

Your solidity conquers
his fears gradually
For he is frozen since years

His ignorance makes you
more clear surely
For you are above fears

Let him go
with all your Love
Embrace yourself
That's all you deserve 

~ Archana

Picture Credit : Google Images

Origin of Ganesh Utsav!

वक्रतुण्ड महाकाय सूर्यकोटि समप्रभः।
निर्विघ्नं कुरु मे देवः सर्वकार्येषु सर्वदा।।
According to Hindu Mythology Lord Ganesha is the destroyer of obstacles and considered as the God of power and wisdom. This festival of Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated with extreme vigour and enthusiasm especially in western India, specifically in Maharastra. Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj started celebrating it but during his time it was a non-community affair.
But are you aware that Shri Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak, A Great Freedom-Fighter made use of this vibrant festival as a tool to spread important messages and to gather public support for various social causes. Shri Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak amazingly explored ways to technically utilize Ganesh-Utsav to unite all sections of Society and beautifully transformed annual domestic festival into large public event flawlessly.
Following the footsteps of Shri Bal Gangadhar Tilak now celebration of Ganesh Chaturthi is considered as community event. Several Social Organizations using it as a platform to organize Blood Camps and Free Medical Check Up Camps and other community welfare activities.
Its really amazing to see, how our festivals unite the community and our great leaders successfully established a platform for community welfare. Happy Ganesh-Utsav. May we all prosper together in all aspects of life. 
~ Archana

Saturday, September 10, 2016

I am Home....!!

I am Home
And you run to me
I am Home
And you jump on me
I am Home
And you kiss me all over
I am Home
In Your Love and care
I am Home
And you don't complain
I am Home
...Your swinging tail...

I am Leaving Home
And you guess it Right
Now all you would do..
is to wait for my sight

You are not running
You are not jumping    
You are not kissing                                                        

You are sitting quiet                                                      
on the floor
Silently walking
to the door…

Your routine
From Day to Night
waiting for me

with no plight
I will be back at Home…. 

~ Archana 10-09-2016 

Photo-Credits => Rana Atheya

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Complex Profile

 When you don't get tired of waiting, you develop a stubborn stability within you. Depth is so deep that even you are not aware how far and how long you can dig within. You want and you don't get it but you never stop wanting and get settled with your wants. No, its not frustration of not getting rather its motivation for keep wanting. The relationship between your wants and you gets strengthened consistently. Its extraordinarily beautiful to see yourself from distance developing into a complex reservoir of energy beyond the understanding of ordinary brains. Words create mess around you and silence screams inside you. Its amazingly awesome to realize that you would never be able to crack yourself in the purview of universe. You are left with your own mysterious smiles, as you always knew your are a Complex Profile.

~ Archana 

Friday, August 12, 2016


यज्ञ की आहुती हूँ
जलकर भस्म होना
नियति है
हवा में घुलकर
प्राणों में संचारित होना

~ अर्चना

My Religion

A blank page Some ink and A pen Few rituals of fingers & brain this is how it looks... My Religion is
to be a Book!

~ Archana

Wednesday, August 10, 2016


रक्त के साथ
धमनियों में
प्रवाहित हो
निर्रथक है
तुम्हारा सानिध्य मिलना
या ना मिलना

मौन कड़ी है
शब्दों की अस्मिता
और भावनाओं 
की अखंडता 
के संघर्ष की, निश्चय ही 
समर्पण अतार्किक है !! 

~ अर्चना 

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Fabric of Love !

It was almost 15 days sky was pouring madly with no avail. She had always liked rains but when existence starts sinking leaving floating covers at surface with no breathing, it scares and you are left with a deep feeling to be with someone who understands you in utter silence where mere looking in each other's eyes sync everything in unison. That flow where nobody has to as such channelize the pool of energy in communicating the connections two living beings share on the rough surface of life.

So much of green was everywhere except the places within her that were beyond the vicinity of human eyes rhyming with every beat of Rain she inhales with wet fresh air. He looked away and said "I am busy building the fort of life with thunderous clamour". She smiled and kept looking in his deep blank eyes to decode the mysteries that often leave her startled. She loved this process of swinging in-between her two equal halves, one that connects her to the unsolved mystery and other that reminds reality of desires & longings.

He was unreachable and she was uncontrollable. Desires keep the fire burning to ignite the substance of life and oxymoron keep adding the fuel to sustain the process. She longs and she consoles, she desires and she consoles. Cycle goes on in cycles and she goes on with cycles. Sky was full of black clouds and thunder confirmed that it would rain again for hours. Don't know how, rains have this special ability to revive you into new someone. You suddenly start doing things you never did and this new courage changes all the previous definitions of threat, danger, risk, fear, dos, don't etc.

With her naked soul she was busy weaving the fabric of love. She was aware, one day he would be wearing her love and she would be living in his fort. And now she knew she would go on for she was the warrior who often wins the battles of hearts.

~ Archana

Friday, August 5, 2016

कभी कभी

कभी कभी मौन
स्तब्ध कर देता है
और शब्द अचंभित
घनघोर बरसती आँखें
सुखाने लगती हैं
धमनियों के रक्त को
और हृदय धड़कनों से 
संन्यास ले लेता है

कभी कभी कुछ भी
होने लगता है
अनायास .... !! 

~ अर्चना 

Thursday, August 4, 2016


मिलन, विछोह
मोह, अवसाद
क्षोभ या विद्रोह
जीने की तत्परता
को भंग नहीं करते
उत्सुकता कड़ी है
वर्तमान व भविष्य
के समायोजन की
जीवन की निरंतरता
अज्ञात में निहित है
और सार्थकता ..... 
शून्य में  .. !! 

~ अर्चना 

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Excerpts of Existence....!!

You were fighting it for days, you could never count. Language could not yet got evolved to define that undefined state. It seemed unbearable , It was unthinkable but it was. You were aware it existed as it was growing within you. You were actually swimming in the smoke of your burning self for you had no option.
And one fine morning you got up to know it's all gone as if it never existed. As if you dream in your self created real world. You pinched yourself and it hurt to confirm "No you were not dreaming". Something got drastically changed without your knowledge. You looked into the mirror to reassure that you got same eyes, same nose, same lips, same jawline, yesss same face but somehow you knew, now You are New.. 


Saturday, July 9, 2016

मैं और ज़िन्दगी

मैं वहीँ रुकी हूँ 
साथ ही
थोड़ी व्यथित
थोड़ी विस्मित
पर अविचलित
तथाकथित जिंदगी
आगे बढ़ गयी है
साथ ही
यथासम्भव अचंभित।
~ अर्चना

Thursday, July 7, 2016

इतनी बारिश

इतनी बारिश जैसे आसमान पिघल रहा है ज़मीन की ख्वाइश में और गीली मिट्टी की सौंधी महक तस्लीम कर रही है प्यार की इस तपिश को ~


इतनी बारिश

इतनी बारिश जैसे आसमान पिघल रहा है ज़मीन की ख्वाइश में और गीली मिट्टी की सौंधी महक तस्लीम कर रही है प्यार की इस तपिश को ~


Friday, June 24, 2016

रावण !!

रावण अर्थात
शौर्य, विश्वास और पराक्रम
रावण अर्थात
गर्व,ज्ञान और धर्म
युद्ध किया, हुआ संग्राम प्रबल
पर रावण फिर भी डरा नहीं

एक धोबी की बातों में आकर
सीता को वन में भेजा दिया
राम की प्रीत के सम्मुख
रावण का स्नेह जीत गया
सीता को हरा पर छुआ नहीं
रावण कभी भी गिरा नहीं

बाल्मीकि की रामायण में
मर्यादा पुर्षोत्तम राम हुये
रावण के चरित्र पर किन्तु
बस अमर्यादित प्रश्न हुये
रावण के पुतले जले बहुत
पर रावण अब भी मरा नहीं !


Monday, March 7, 2016

The Queen with Absconding King

Hold on
until His heart melts
through His words

until His Truth reveals
through His eyes

until His soul reflects
through His cries

Go on.....but
Get easy my Lady

For You are the Queen
of Your Freedom
thou screams are astonishing!

For You are the Queen
of Your Kingdom
thou King is absconding!

~ Archana